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REST API: Filtering, Locale, and Publication State

The REST API offers the ability to filter results found with its "Get entries" method. Using optional Strapi features can provide some more filters:



Queries can accept a filters parameter with the following syntax:

GET /api/:pluralApiId?filters[field][operator]=value

The following operators are available:

$eqiEqual (case-insensitive)
$neNot equal
$neiNot equal (case-insensitive)
$ltLess than
$lteLess than or equal to
$gtGreater than
$gteGreater than or equal to
$inIncluded in an array
$notInNot included in an array
$notContainsDoes not contain
$containsiContains (case-insensitive)
$notContainsiDoes not contain (case-insensitive)
$nullIs null
$notNullIs not null
$betweenIs between
$startsWithStarts with
$startsWithiStarts with (case-insensitive)
$endsWithEnds with
$endsWithiEnds with (case-insensitive)
$orJoins the filters in an "or" expression
$andJoins the filters in an "and" expression
$notJoins the filters in an "not" expression

By default, the filters can only be used from find endpoints generated by the Content-type Builder and the CLI.

Example: Find users having 'John' as a first name​

You can use the $eq filter operator to find an exact match.

"id": 1,
"username": "John",
"email": "",
"provider": "local",
"confirmed": true,
"blocked": false,
"createdAt": "2021-12-03T20:08:17.740Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-12-03T20:08:17.740Z"
const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
username: {
$eq: 'John',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/users?${query}`);

Example: Find multiple restaurants with ids 3, 6,8​

You can use the $in filter operator with an array of values to find multiple exact values.

"data": [
"id": 3,
"attributes": {
"name": "test3",
// ...
"id": 6,
"attributes": {
"name": "test6",
// ...
"id": 8,
"attributes": {
"name": "test8",
// ...
"meta": {
// ...
const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
id: {
$in: [3, 6, 8],
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

Complex filtering​

Complex filtering is combining multiple filters using advanced methods such as combining $and & $or. This allows for more flexibility to request exactly the data needed.

"data": [
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"name": "test1",
"date": "2020-01-01",
// ...
"id": 2,
"attributes": {
"name": "test2",
"date": "2020-01-02",
// ...
"meta": {
// ...
const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
$or: [
date: {
$eq: '2020-01-01',
date: {
$eq: '2020-01-02',
author: {
name: {
$eq: 'Kai doe',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/books?${query}`);

Deep filtering​

Deep filtering is filtering on a relation's fields.

  • Querying your API with deep filters may cause performance issues. If one of your deep filtering queries is too slow, we recommend building a custom route with an optimized version of the query.
  • Deep filtering isn't available for polymorphic relations (eg: Dynamic Zones & Media Fields).
  • Relations, media fields, components, and dynamic zones are not populated by default. Use the populate parameter to populate these data structures (see populate documentation)
  • It is not possible to filter on dynamic zones or media fields.
"data": [
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"stars": 5
// ...
"id": 2,
"attributes": {
"stars": 5
// ...
"meta": {
// ...
const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
chef: {
restaurants: {
stars: {
$eq: 5,
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL


The locale API parameter can be used to get entries from a specific locale (see i18n plugin documentation).

Publication State​

The Draft & Publish feature should be enabled.

Queries can accept a publicationState parameter to fetch entries based on their publication state:

  • live: returns only published entries (default)
  • preview: returns both draft entries & published entries
"data": [
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"title": "This a Draft",
"publishedAt": null
// ...
"id": 2,
"attributes": {
"title": "This is Live",
"publishedAt": "2021-12-03T20:08:17.740Z"
// ...
"meta": {
// ...
const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
publicationState: 'preview',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/articles?${query}`);

To retrieve only draft entries, combine the preview publication state and the publishedAt fields:

GET /api/articles?publicationState=preview&filters[publishedAt][$null]=true

const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
publicationState: 'preview',
filters: {
publishedAt: {
$null: true,
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/articles?${query}`);