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Query Engine API

Before diving deeper into the Query Engine API documentation, it is recommended that you read the following introductions:

The Strapi backend provides a Query Engine API to interact with the database layer at a lower level. The Query Engine API should mostly be used by plugin developers and developers adding custom business logic to their applications.

👉 In most use cases, it's recommended to use the Entity Service API instead of the Query Engine API.

:::strapi Entity Service API vs. Query Engine API


Basic usage​

The Query Engine is available through strapi.db.query:

strapi.db.query('api::blog.article').findMany({ // uid syntax: 'api::api-name.content-type-name'
where: {
title: {
$startsWith: '2021',
$endsWith: 'v4',
populate: {
category: true,

Available operations​

The Query Engine allows the following operations on database entries: