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Command line​

Enable console logging with the --logLevel command line flag.

Hugo has four logging levels:

error : Display error messages only.

hugo --logLevel error

warn : Display warning and error messages.

hugo --logLevel warn

info : Display information, warning, and error messages.

hugo --logLevel info

debug : Display debug, information, warning, and error messages.

hugo --logLevel debug

If you do not specify a logging level with the --logLevel flag, warnings and errors are always displayed.

Template functions​

You can also use template functions to print warnings or errors to the console. These functions are typically used to report data validation errors, missing files, etc.


To log Hugo's LiveReload requests in your browser, add this query string to the URL when running Hugo's development server:


For example:


Then monitor the reload requests in your browser's dev tools console. Make sure the dev tools "preserve log" option is enabled.