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Blockquote render hooks


Blockquote render hook templates receive the following context:


(string) Applicable when Type is alert, this is the alert type converted to lowercase. See the alerts section below.


(map) The Markdown attributes, available if you configure your site as follows:

[markup.goldmark.parser.attribute] block = true


(int) The zero-based ordinal of the blockquote on the page.


(page) A reference to the current page.


(page) A reference to a page nested via the RenderShortcodes method.


(string) The position of the blockquote within the page content.


(string) The blockquote text, excluding the alert designator if present. See the alerts section below.


(bool) The blockquote type. Returns alert if the blockquote has an alert designator, else regular. See the alerts section below.


In its default configuration, Hugo renders Markdown blockquotes according to the CommonMark specification. To create a render hook that does the same thing:

To render a blockquote as an HTML figure element with an optional citation and caption:

Then in your markdown:

> Some text
{cite="" caption="Some caption"}


Also known as callouts or admonitions, alerts are blockquotes used to emphasize critical information. For example:

[!NOTE] Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.

[!TIP] Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.

[!IMPORTANT] Key information users need to know to achieve their goal.

[!WARNING] Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems.

[!CAUTION] Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.

This syntax is compatible with the GitHub Alert Markdown extension.

The first line of each alert is an alert designator consisting of an exclamation point followed by the alert type, wrapped within brackets.

The blockquote render hook below renders a multilingual alert if an alert desginator is present, otherwise it renders a blockquote according to the CommonMark specification.

To override the label, create these entries in your i18n files:

Although you can use one template with conditional logic as shown above, you can also create separate templates for each Type of blockquote:

└── _default/
└── _markup/
├── render-blockquote-alert.html
└── render-blockquote-regular.html