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When a project deprecates something, they are telling its users:

  1. Don't use Thing One anymore.
  2. Use Thing Two instead.
  3. We're going to remove Thing One at some point in the future.

Common reasons for deprecation:

  • A feature has been replaced by a more powerful alternative.
  • A feature contains a design flaw.
  • A feature is considered extraneous, and will be removed in the future in order to simplify the system as a whole.
  • A future version of the software will make major structural changes, making it impossible or impractical to support older features.
  • Standardization or increased consistency in naming.
  • A feature that once was available only independently is now combined with its co-feature.

After the project team deprecates something in code, Hugo will:

  1. Log an INFO message for 6 minor releases1
  2. Log a WARN message for another 6 minor releases
  3. Log an ERROR message and fail the build thereafter

To see the INFO messages, you must use the --logLevel command line flag:

hugo --logLevel info

To limit the output to deprecation notices:

hugo --logLevel info | grep deprecate

Run the above command every time you upgrade Hugo.


  1. For example, v0.1.1 => v0.2.0 is a minor release. ↩