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The math.Rand function returns a pseudo-random number in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0).

{{ math.Rand }} → 0.6312770459590062

To generate a random integer in the closed interval [0, 5]:

{{ math.Rand | mul 6 | math.Floor }}

To generate a random integer in the closed interval [1, 6]:

{{ math.Rand | mul 6 | math.Ceil }}

To generate a random float, with one digit after the decimal point, in the closed interval [0, 4.9]:

{{ div (math.Rand | mul 50 | math.Floor) 10 }}

To generate a random float, with one digit after the decimal point, in the closed interval [0.1, 5.0]:

{{ div (math.Rand | mul 50 | math.Ceil) 10 }}