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Redirecting landing page to admin panel​

If you do not wish to have the default landing page mounted on / you can create a custom middleware using the sample code below to automatically redirect to your admin panel.


This sample configuration expects that the admin panel is accessible on /admin. If you used one of the above configurations to change this to /dashboard you will also need to adjust this sample configuration.

module.exports = ({ env })  [
// ...
{ resolve: '../src/middlewares/admin-redirect' },

module.exports = (_config, { strapi })  {
const redirects = ['/', '/index.html'].map((path) ({
method: 'GET',
handler: (ctx) ctx.redirect('/admin'),
config: { auth: false },


Shipping your own pages on / instead of the strapi landing page​

If you do not wish to have the default landing page mounted on / you can create a custom middleware using the sample code below to automatically redirect to your custom index.html in the ./public folder.

module.exports = ({ env })  [
// ...

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

module.exports = (_config, { strapi }) {
const redirects = ['/', '/index.html'].map((routePath) ({
method: 'GET',
path: routePath,
handler: (ctx) {
// Read the index.html file
const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../public/index.html');
const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');

// Set the Content-Type header and send the file contents
ctx.type = 'html';
ctx.body = fileContents;
config: { auth: false },
