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Hugo provides functions and methods to format, localize, parse, compare, and manipulate date/time values. Before you can do any of these with string representations of date/time values, you must first convert them to time.Time values using the time.AsTime function.

{{ $t := "2023-10-15T14:20:28-07:00" }}
{{ time.AsTime $t }} → 2023-10-15 14:20:28 -0700 PDT (time.Time)

Parsable strings​

As shown above, the first argument must be a parsable string representation of a date/time value. For example:

Time zones​

When the parsable string does not contain a time zone offset, you can do either of the following to assign a time zone other than Etc/UTC:

  • Provide a second argument to the time.AsTime function

    {{ time.AsTime "15 Oct 2023" "America/Chicago" }}
  • Set the default time zone in your site configuration

    timeZone = 'America/New_York'

The order of precedence for determining the time zone is:

  1. The time zone offset in the date/time string
  2. The time zone provide as the second argument to the time.AsTime function
  3. The time zone specified in your site configuration

The list of valid time zones may be system dependent, but should include UTC, Local, or any location in the IANA Time Zone database.