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Use with the if statement:

{{ $var := "foo" }}
{{ if $var }}
{{ $var }} → foo
{{ else }}
{{ print "var is falsy" }}
{{ end }}

Use with the with statement:

{{ $var := "foo" }}
{{ with $var }}
{{ . }} → foo
{{ else }}
{{ print "var is falsy" }}
{{ end }}

Use with the range statement:

{{ $var := slice 1 2 3 }}
{{ range $var }}
{{ . }} → 1 2 3
{{ else }}
{{ print "var is falsy" }}
{{ end }}

Use else if to check multiple conditions.

{{ $var := 12 }}
{{ if eq $var 6 }}
{{ print "var is 6" }}
{{ else if eq $var 7 }}
{{ print "var is 7" }}
{{ else if eq $var 42 }}
{{ print "var is 42" }}
{{ else }}
{{ print "var is something else" }}
{{ end }}