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To customize the printing of the JSON, pass an options map as the first argument. Supported options are "prefix" and "indent". Each JSON element in the output will begin on a new line beginning with prefix followed by one or more copies of indent according to the indentation nesting.

{{ dict "title" .Title "content" .Plain | jsonify }}
{{ dict "title" .Title "content" .Plain | jsonify (dict "indent" " ") }}
{{ dict "title" .Title "content" .Plain | jsonify (dict "prefix" " " "indent" " ") }}


indent : (string) Indentation to use. Default is "".

prefix : (string) Indentation prefix. Default is "".

noHTMLEscape : (bool) Disable escaping of problematic HTML characters inside JSON quoted strings. The default behavior is to escape &, <, and > to \u0026, \u003c, and \u003e to avoid certain safety problems that can arise when embedding JSON in HTML. Default is false.