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hugo new theme

hugo new theme​

Create a new theme (skeleton)


Create a new theme (skeleton) called [name] in ./themes. New theme is a skeleton. Please add content to the touched files. Add your name to the copyright line in the license and adjust the theme.toml file according to your needs.

hugo new theme [name] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for theme

Options inherited from parent commands​

      --clock string               set the clock used by Hugo, e.g. --clock 2021-11-06T22:30:00.00+09:00
--config string config file (default is hugo.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir string config dir (default "config")
--debug debug output
-d, --destination string filesystem path to write files to
-e, --environment string build environment
--ignoreVendorPaths string ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--logLevel string log level (debug|info|warn|error)
--quiet build in quiet mode
-M, --renderToMemory render to memory (mostly useful when running the server)
-s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose verbose output


  • hugo new - Create new content for your site