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Useful in a code block render hook, the diagram.Goat function converts ASCII art to an SVG diagram, returning a GoAT diagram object with the following methods:

Inner : (template.HTML) Returns the SVG child elements without a wrapping svg element, allowing you to create your own wrapper.

Wrapped : (template.HTML) Returns the SVG child elements wrapped in an svg element.

Width : (int) Returns the width of the rendered diagram, in pixels.

Height : (int) Returns the height of the rendered diagram, in pixels.

GoAT Diagrams​

Hugo natively supports GoAT diagrams with an [embedded code block render hook].

This Markdown:

.---. .-. .-. .-. .---.
| A +--->| 1 |<--->| 2 |<--->| 3 |<---+ B |
'---' '-' '+' '+' '---'

Is rendered to:

<div class="goat svg-container">
<svg xmlns="" font-family="Menlo,Lucida Console,monospace" viewBox="0 0 352 57">

Which appears in your browser as:

.---.     .-.       .-.       .-.     .---.
| A +--->| 1 |<--->| 2 |<--->| 3 |<---+ B |
'---' '-' '+' '+' '---'

To customize rendering, override Hugo's [embedded code block render hook] for GoAT diagrams.

Code block render hook​

By way of example, let's create a code block render hook to render GoAT diagrams as figure elements with an optional caption.

This Markdown:

Is rendered to:

<figure id="diagram-1">
<svg class="foo" width="272" height="57" xmlns="" version="1.1">
<figcaption>Diagram 1: Example</figcaption>

Use CSS to style the SVG as needed: {
font-family: "Segoe UI","Noto Sans",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif