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Halo is a powerful and user-friendly open-source website building tool designed for simplicity and efficiency. Below is a summary of Halo's key features, along with quick start instructions, links to its official resources, and information about its licensing, sponsorship, and contribution guidelines.

Key Features​

  • Open-Source: Halo is entirely open-source, allowing developers and users to contribute, customize, and extend its functionality.
  • Easy to Use: With a user-friendly interface and intuitive setup process, Halo makes it easy for anyone to create and manage their own website.
  • Flexible: Halo supports a wide range of customization options, including themes and plugins, allowing users to tailor their website to their specific needs.
  • Docker Support: The tool is optimized for Docker deployment, making it easy to set up and scale on various hosting platforms.

Quick Start​

To quickly get started with Halo, you can use Docker to run a containerized version of the application. Here's a sample command to start Halo using Docker:

docker run -d --name halo -p 8090:8090 -v ~/.halo2:/root/.halo2 halohub/halo:latest

Please note that the tag :latest can be replaced with a specific version number, such as :2.18, if you prefer a stable release. For detailed deployment instructions, refer to the official documentation.

Official Resources​


Halo is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3). This license ensures that the software remains open-source and allows users to modify and redistribute the software under certain conditions. For more information, refer to the LICENSE file in the project's GitHub repository.


If Halo has been helpful to you, consider supporting the project by becoming a sponsor. You can do so through platforms like The project maintains a list of sponsors who have contributed financially to the development of Halo.


Contributions to Halo are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please refer to the CONTRIBUTING guidelines for information on how to get started.


Halo is a versatile and user-friendly open-source website building tool that offers a range of customization options and seamless deployment through Docker. With a thriving community and active development, Halo continues to evolve and improve, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to build and manage their own website.